Light From Light

The shining of yellow on the edges of the leaves,

A stained glass window in a temple of trees,

A playful push of October’s breeze,

In moments like these

My very bones believe.


Believe in one Father Almighty,

Maker of woods and shadows who breath,

Of all things visible and dreamy,

Of one Lord, My Jesus Christ,

Who with love, created this moment for me.


In humble honesty,

Again my feet crunched the leaves

And my eye wandered from the golden canopy

Without another prayer of tranquility,

I left a doorless church behind me.




I think I may now understand,

what is truly meant when

We faithfully utter words such as

Light from Light”.



“… God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God…..”

Nicene Creed

And Then it Was Autumn

I woke up this morning,

But that’s nothing new,

I woke up yesterday,

And the morning before, too.

But this wake was different

As the sun came through

My cracked open window

All hazy; golden brewed.

And a crisp good morning

Crept from my heel to head,

As my feet touched the cool floor

And my blankets shed.

I woke up this morning,

Refreshed and then some

I opened my eyes

And then it was autumn.