
Sayverb– to express (a message, viewpoint, etc.) as through literary or artistic medium

Lorenoun– learning, knowledge or erudition or that which is taught

Welcome to the blog of SayLore! Where the need to express through language reigns and the hope for continual progression leads the parade. I hope whatever you find here is beautiful, raw and inspiring. Grab your cup of chai, and live along with me, counting each blessing and learning each lesson through the adventurous kingdom of Soul.


The Author of SayLore is a young twenties homeschool graduate, from the center of the USA. Cosmetologist by license, nanny by day, and lover of art; her favorite past times include yoga and rock climbing, painting and Zen Tangling, read and writing. She finds poesy to be the most fulfilling of all past times. And it is safe to assume she is currently drinking tea whilst musing about all the beautiful things around her.

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Poetry for the beauty-inclined