Tag Archives: seperation

Motherhood is Forever

She ached, not from the weight,

But from the absence of it.

The gentle waves of breath,

Rising and falling had ceased

And her arms had nothing

To pull in close…

She hung her head in

Unbearable unhappiness,

But it found nothing to kiss-

No soft fuzzy head,

So tiny wrinkly fingers,

No relaxed little hand.

She did not miss what was, but rather,

What could have been.

She was tired from what

She no longer carried

Exhausted from grieving

With no one offering to understand.


It had been,

what had felt,

like ages spent,

since I had knelt

before your gaze-

Though my soul had spent

thoughts of your ways,

prayers for your intent,

the habits of your days;

I was consumed till when,

in glorious healing,

my day began,

in a mixture of feeling,

holding your hand;

every marring

hopeful then

in God’s deep, caring

spiritual medicine

mended the memories,

repaired anxieties,

fused pure longings

into what they should have been

between our goodbye,

the separation,

and now- our

Hello, again.